All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. E (Pronounced "Eddie") is a legendary Oz Kit manufactured by Hyperion. Created by. 0 0. AnubisUK • 7 yr. I know there are specific recipes, but it won't allow us to grind things like three class mods, grenade mods, or shields. I have checked the wiki and two legendaries and one epic can be grinded with moonstone. Am I missing something? Am I the only one with this problem? And if so,. 3KB ; 179-- 1 . Using these will pay off big time with each visit to the Grinder, and eventually, you’ll have the kind of Legendary weapon that will leave your teammates in awe – and your enemies running scared. Grinding has not produced a single good weapon for me. (there's one more chest you can open for a (side-)mission, costs 200 moonstone and it'll give you some nice Glitch-weaponry. The rate of getting a luneshine from my endeavors soft resetting the game is about 50% if you do it this way. Do your grind. In BL1&2. The. but as you saw, grinding 3 purples has a chance to make a legendary. Moonstone Grind No Longer Costs Moonstone. Level doesn't seem to matter with white, green or blue grinds. The legendaries don't matter, if you want to get a sniper rifle, throw in a purple sniper and two random legendaries of any gun type. " and go to Concordia. The Moonstone chest is never the only reward there. #8. Items:. 2 shotguns, 2 SMGs, etc. Repeat until inventory is full. Go to your My Documentsmy gamesBorderlands The Pre-SequelWillowGameSaveData folder and in there you'll see 2 numbered folders, one is your cracked and one is your legit version. I've also tried three green shields, and again, no such luck. but i am saying it would be highly inefficient to use moonstone for anything else than grinding top level legendaries pretty much. Step 1: Start a new game and once on the character selection screen, quit to the main menu. I know I press E to do so, but whenever I do it, the menu shortens (leaving out moonstone grinding entirely) Is there anything I'm missing with this?What's the difference between a normal grind and a moonstone grind? Đăng nhập Cửa hàng Trang chủ Hàng khám phá Danh sách ước Cửa hàng điểm Tin tức Thống kêHow to unlock the Challenger achievement in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel: Completed level 1 of all challenges with a single character. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. #2. Simulated Overpowered Levels. I was hoping to try and get a different legendary, maybe even a luneshine legendary, but the option to moonstone grind wasn't even showing up. Always explosive. LightBlade 8 years ago #1. I’ll go over each ability later. #4. zip(Moonstone Grind No Longer Costs Moonstone)folder 3KB. U can get legendary oz kits, grenades, and shields. Select your current character and continue your game. It is worth 20 points and can be received. Step 1. When you find one such chest you can open it, save and quit, then re-open the same one, which will save you from having to find 10. That Tasted Purple! All of the equipable weapons and items in Borderlands are colour coded. Is moonstone grinding really worth the investment? IMO, only for the guaranteed legendary recipe(s). Hello, and welcome to a quick guide to farming Moonstones early and easily in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides. Also, how many moonstones are needed to grind? Is it calculated by the rarity and level of the weapon? I couldn't find any information on this online. Hopefully they will fix this soon. Business, Economics, and Finance. You can farm this by moonstone grinding, if. I was hoping to try and get a different legendary, maybe even a luneshine legendary, but the option to moonstone grind wasn't even showing up. Hilarious offensive shotgun. What's the difference between a normal grind and a moonstone grind?Once you've put in your three weapons, you can press Y to do a standard grind or X to do a moonstone grind. Moonstone grinding with 3 purples was taken out a while back; apperently it had a good chance to crash your game or something like that. Anyone know a way to Grind for Moonstone, thats NOT a boss? I need 99 to get the Legendary I want. 3KB ; 178-- Moonstone Grind No Longer Costs Moonstone. Moonstone Grind. IVF is a legendary submachine gun manufactured by Tediore in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Same thing when I try to grind three purple shields, OZ kits and grenades. 12%. Posted by u/allthetimes - 3 votes and 6 commentsThe Grinder is a machine in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel which allows you to combine 3 items into a new, potentially better item. This series gives each character their own Action Skill as well and Borderlands The Pre-Sequel adds a few more controls. YOU MUST GRIND SAME LEVEL EQUIPMENTIf you grind use moonstone always to get better rarity weapons and a chance to get lunshine. Even if there was the option to open that 200 moonstone chest multiple times, it'd be unnecessary to grind it against either boss. The recipe is 3 purple of whichever item u want. Also, how many moonstones are needed to grind? Is it calculated by the rarity and level of the weapon? I couldn't find any information on this online. It's a tradeoff that you have to make. Example of what I just did: 2 purple smgs + random purple + moonstones = blades torrent. Creative. The Moonstone chest is never the only reward there. According to the wiki, you need to input specific recipes into the grinder. advertisement You will only be able to. This roleplaying first-person shooter is the third installment in 2k Australia's influential Borderlands series, which has also spawned a series of graphic novels. So using this with 3 blue items will always give you a purple item. I've seen some frequently asked questions here and on other websites, so I figured I would compile a few answers. I'm gonna wait until I hit 50 to do anymore grinding. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. As of the last update, you can always grind three purples with a very slim chance of getting a legendary. I'm not sure for other recipes but this one is 210 moonstone. Why is Moonstone Disappearing? I have been playing The Pre-Sequel with my brother-in-law, and last time we played, we collected a fair amount of Moonstone. Then place a purple weapon in the bottom spot. 1. Moonstone Chests: Each requires 40. Regardless, moonstone grinding starter weapons works great for the "This Time For Sure" challenge, but still produces Luneshine weapons at about the same rate as Moonstone Grinding any other. The Grinder is a device located in Janey Springs's workshop in Concordia, and is usable after completing the mission Grinders for Springs. com. What's the difference between a normal grind and a moonstone grind? เข้าสู่ระบบ ร้านค้า หน้าหลัก คิวค้นพบ สิ่งที่อยากได้ ร้านค้าแต้ม ข่าวสาร สถิติI'm trying to grind 2 torrents and a purple railgun, but there is no moonstone grind option I have tried restarting the game and changing network…I got the idea to do this after playing around with Rick's (Gibbed) Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Editor. search. videogame_asset My games. g. The chests are flat blue ones (same shape as the red that's more common) and they have a glow to them as well. GoldilockGorilla Feb 25, 2015 @ 3:50pm. Existing user? Sign In. Moonstone Grinding has a chance of giving out a Luneshine of the weaponEven tried 3 Luneshine purples and it won't grind. The grinder can be found in Concordia, the main hub of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (think Sanctuary in Borderlands 2). Grind using. Support . Every time I try it does not show a Moonstone grind available. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games. This mod will set all Moonstone Grind cost to 0. When reloaded, it explodes and spawns two smaller guns that also explode. Find results that contain. The level of the gun will be the average levels of the guns rounded DOWN and the purple gun will determine the TYPE of gun. Support . Mods; Games; Images; Videos; Users; Search all games chevron_right; Popular games; Skyrim Special Edition ; Skyrim ; Fallout 4 ; Fallout New Vegas ;. Step 4. So I have almost 400 moonstone but the machine won't let me do a moonstone grind. Disker + Disker = DLC laser, Disker + ZX1 = Vanilla laser). October 17, 2014 by Jacob Saylor. How to unlock the Expensive Taste achievement. At the grind menu, place any orange weapon in the top and middle spots. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Repeat until you got the desired legendary. use 3 yellow guns in the slots and use moonstone grind. Oh yes, i have been doing that constantly. As to stockpiling stuff, I think the Grinder's loot output level is related to what you put in. 3 purple with moonstones. (e. Gotcha. Utilities. I know I press E to do so, but whenever I do it, the menu shortens (leaving out moonstone grinding entirely) Is there anything I'm missing with this?Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. The Grinder consumes three weapons or items fed to it by the player and produces a new. Plz helprcole_sooner Mar 18, 2015 @ 5:55am. Also, because of the purple you can Moonstone grind so that the weapon comes out with the best stats possible. The Grinder is a "crafting station" device in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel which consumes three weapons or items fed into it and produces a new, randomly selected item as a result. . The rate of getting a luneshine from my endeavors soft resetting the game is about 50% if you do it this way. Last boss gives most moonstones and a bunch of weapons you can sell for money. works with grenades and Oz kits, too. In BL1&2. It's a purple claptrap mod, . the outcome? a garanteed legendary! #3. ago. Get two Thingies from Iwarja, get a purple item and moonstone grind. It can be dropped from slain enemies and bosses as either a single Moonstone, or as a four-piece Moonstone Cluster. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. ago. If you don't get a Luneshine, quit WITHOUT SAVING (on Xbox, I just sign out of my profile then sign back in. Does anybody know why? Shameful bump for the above question. For getting enough weapons, I first collected four grindable sets. There is supposed to be a hot fix rolling out today to fix this. The rest can be found, but you can't use moonstones to grind for them. 2KB ; 6-- 24 . All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Investing moonstones guarantees you a legendary item. Step 1. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Im seeing on wiki that you can moonstone grind three purple class mods, shields, oz kits, and grenades and have a chance on orange. Skip to content. Boards. I just tried out moonstone grinding three purple class mods and i got a legendary class mod. 5 (Platinum): Unlocked all Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel trophies. I. White is the lowest quality, while Orange is the highest (excluding Glitch weapons from the Claptastic Voyage DLC). dougylaura 8 years ago #2. How do I get it to offer a moonstone grind? I have 200+ in my backpack! You have to put in two legendaries of the same type, e. This gives you the highest possible quality item out of the 3 items you put in the. Do your grind. krtprime 8 yr. CryptoI have 500 moonstone but the moonstone grind option won't show up. Grinder: For the grinder in Borderlands 2, see The Overlooked: Shields Up. :) grinding 2 legendaries with a purple CAN be moonstone, and should be. Moonstone Grind No Longer Costs Moonstone-21-1-0-1556260102. The luneshine effects can only be differentiated from the weapon's card, not from the. News. These are the highest quality items with Orange color quality. Questions. I had three blue. I know I press E to do so, but whenever I do it, the menu shortens (leaving out moonstone grinding entirely) Is there anything I'm missing with this?The good news is: 40 moonstone or even 80 or 120 moonstone isn't a large amount in the bigger picture. I recently ran into an oddity that I can't find any other posts about. October 17, 2014 by Jacob Saylor Youtuber ZiggyD has concocted a guide to help gamers get the most out of their weapon grinding. I was hoping to try and get a different legendary, maybe even a luneshine legendary, but the option to moonstone grind wasn't even showing up. The gun in the picture, the torrent, is also very easy to get and one of the few dedicated farmable drops in the game. Step 2. Last. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. average number of achievements. I usually got 5-10 guns then saved/quit. Also, how many moonstones are needed to grind? Is it calculated by the rarity and level of the weapon? I couldn't find any information on this online. You can't moonstone grind with purples, which is why you need the most you can get to do each time (and they'll all have to be level 50). I just tried out moonstone grinding three purple class mods and i got a legendary class mod. ago. The recipe to get X type of weapon is 1 purple weapon of desired type + 2 legendary weapons. Uploaded: 26 Apr 2019 . It gives you a random legendary class mod, so there's no guarantee that you'll get celestial, chronicler, or vanquisher. It constantly moves towards its chosen target. The moonstone grind should cost about 213 moonstones at level 70. Go to Concordia and try to moonstone grind the white and green weapons, if you do not get 1 or 2 luneshines, XMB quit and try again (also, after you quit you can do the moonstone glitch, in case you have previous Borderlands save). Luneshine legendaries from the Grinder? Jobi987 8 years ago #1. #5. Per page: 15 30 50. Also, you need to have 148 moonstones to grind the weapons into a legendary. 2 Shields and a Gun as that won't work. How do you guys farm your moonstones? As for myself, I find that the torks near the fast travel point in Outlands canyon seem to drop moonstones and moonstone clusters. to grind legendary you need 2 legendary 1 purple the purple weapon you use will become the new legendary that the recipe. I need a bit of help. Grinder: For the grinder in Borderlands 2, see The Overlooked: Shields Up. U rarely get the legendary tho cuz they didnt give us the moonstone. works with grenades and Oz kits, too. PC players can level up multiple characters simultaneously in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Media . They're one of the ways to get the Luneshine trait on weapons as well - it's not guaranteed, but they sometimes pop up. Until a fix comes (maybe 3/24?), you can moonstone grind 3 purples offline and get a guaranteed legendary. Get two to put into the grinder and add a purple to make a legendary. Unfavorite. Used an XBOX One console and mostly the Grinder at Nexus to test the grinding results posted on the OP. but i am saying it would be highly inefficient to use moonstone for anything else than grinding top level legendaries pretty much. ago. Blue are already rare even in chests, and purples are even more rare and super strong. I hear class coms allow 3 purples to directly convert into a legendary com, but haven't tested that personally. No, you can't. Media . This has a cooldown, but lets you use a unique ability for a limited time. then you can not put this guns together ;-) #3. Every time I try it does not show a Moonstone grind available. There's a good guide on the wiki. Doing two oranges and a purple will net you an orange with a slight chance of going to purple. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games. but the best chests in the game cost you a taxing 40 moonstone to open even. I put in three purple weapons, and for some reason the option to moonstone grind was there, so I chose it, and finally got a legendary, a luneshine one. There are some combinations (like 3 purple weapons) that you can't do a moonstone grind with. I've also tried three green shields, and again, no such luck. The most common recipe in the game is to combine 2 or 3 items of the same type & quality which guarantees you a new item of that type and a chance for it to be the same or one level higher quality. This is a simple mod to change all recipes for the Grinder to cost 0 moonstones when Moonstone Grind is available. jeffy Feb 12, 2015 @ 8:29pm. videogame_asset Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. search. play offline and it works fine. I have over 200 moonstones. close. 20, I think (but not positive that's exactly how many you need every time). Not only will you increase the chance of a better. I got 12 purple class mods and over 250 moonstones and was hoping to make a legendary Class Mod for my character. of the same rarity. Grinding with moonstones guarantees the best possible result, with a slight chance of generating luneshine weapons. What's the difference between a normal grind and a moonstone grind? เข้าสู่ระบบ ร้านค้า หน้าหลัก คิวค้นพบ สิ่งที่อยากได้ ร้านค้าแต้ม ข่าวสาร สถิติ I'm trying to grind 2 torrents and a purple railgun, but there is no moonstone grind option I have tried restarting the game and changing network… I got the idea to do this after playing around with Rick's (Gibbed) Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Editor. Loot 10 such Moonstone chests and the achievement is yours. #2. Thats my point, I have more Moonstone than I can use. You can go offline in Steam and try the grind. close. Configure the key you wish to bind the console to. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Date Posted: Oct 18, 2014 @ 8:44pm. Then moonstone grind it. #2. home Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. However, it wont let me do that for the other items (non-guns), so is this not true then?Borderland Defender Round 1. There's a good guide on the wiki. Then you can grind the Shooting Stars together and get a guaranteed legendary shield. For the grinder in Borderlands 2, see The Overlooked: Shields Up. I hear class coms allow 3 purples to directly convert into a legendary com, but haven't tested that personally. Plz helpI was hoping to try and get a different legendary, maybe even a luneshine legendary, but the option to moonstone grind wasn't even showing up. Challenger is an achievement in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. U can get legendary oz kits, grenades, and shields. . Seems like Moonstones randomly dissappear as you play the game its very disappointing after all the grinding really :/ like i have to immediately spend them since saving them wont do any good until its patched. It constantly moves towards its chosen target. You can grind three oranges for another orange. As of the last update, you can always grind three purples with a very slim chance of getting a legendary. E Oz Kit (Obtained from CLAP-L3K in the Veins. If you really are concerned with the 40 moonstone, add me and I'll kill a boss for you and let you pick up the moonstone. Dagirkeran Mar 22, 2015 @ 11:30am. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Question about weapon grinding with moonstones. When I try to grind it doesn't give the option of moonstone grinding. . Maybe you can try restart the UVH if you don't care about quest, the flameknuckle boss has increased chance to drop nukem, and I got 2 of them once in UVH, and you can use it to for legendary grinder recipe, 2 legendary gun + 1 purple gun(of the type that you want your legendary to be, like pistol/smg) and use 150 moonstone for guaranteed grind, there's. First two minutes show the actual 'farming' bit, after that I just show the legendary drop I got from the boss we're fighting. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games. Grinder Recipes. 1. Per page: 15 30 50. There are rumours that it is haunted. This costs a lot, but gives you the. Per page: 15 30 50. Grinder Challenges Help. The level of the gun will be the average levels of the guns rounded DOWN and the purple gun will determine the TYPE of gun. . xD The PERFECT weapon for my Jack, and a truly crazy grind to risk! #Shorts In this video, I go over how to easily farm for Moonstone, Luneshine Weapons and a special Legendary weapon in Crisis Scar in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. What's the difference between a normal grind and a moonstone grind? Giriş Yap Mağaza Topluluk Destek Dili değiştir Masaüstü internet sitesini görüntüle. Simply import this into your current exec file with BLCMM. When you go to grind it comes up with the option down the bottom to press E for moonstone grind. Borderlands The Pre-Sequel takes place between the events of Borderlands 1 and Borderlands 2, where you learn the backstory of Handsome Jack and his rise to power!. Moonstone Grinds of purples is exclusive to COMs. Eventually you will crash your game trying. I grind purples all day but it ONLY lets me do three of the same kind of gun. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Moonstones Farming Guide Moonstones Location #1: Serenity’s Wasteland. This mod will set all Moonstone Grind cost to 0. #6. - Celestial Class Mod (The easiest way to get one of these is to Moonstone grind 3 Purple Class Mods) - 3DD1. This gives you the highest possible quality item out of the 3 items you put in the Grinder. All the evidence I've seen, however, suggests that unlike some other Borderlands DLC, the Pre-Sequel DLC has fixed levels in NM and TVHM. Edit: In fact, they're a great place to find a purple to grind with some legendaries. It is a known issue and will most likely be fixed with the upcoming patch. The odd thing though, is that I can't moonstone grind purples either. Skip to content. Run time ~3 min but could be mutch faster using speed increase buffs and faster boss killing. Uploaded: 26 Apr. you will find a "grinder" in a building next to bar. The moonstone grind should cost about 213 moonstones at level 70. Also if you get 3 purple class mods and do a moonstone grind you get a guaranteed legendary class mod for your current character! and iwajira tends to drop at least one purple class mod every time you kill him so its super easy to get all the resources from him. I'm not sure for other recipes but this one is 210 moonstone. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel > General Discussions > Topic Details. Gun Info: need a bit of help. In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, there is a Grinder in The Junk Emporium which allows a player to put multiple weapons in it hoping to create a better version of. All it says is press triangle for regular grind, theres no moonstone grind anywhere comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Shendare Shendare • Additional comment actions. E Oz Kit (Obtained from CLAP-L3K in the Veins of Helios) - Transfusion grenades - Shock Maliwan Blaster - Sapping Hail Assault Rifle (Can only be obtained from Iwajira in Serenity's Waste)This mod will set all Moonstone Grind cost to 0. The Grinder in Concordia: Grinding with moonstones guarantees the best possible result, with a slight chance of generating luneshine weapons. In the grinder category of the Badass Challenges there are two that I have absolutely zero progress in. exe file. After starting the game with your main character, load another instance (or multiple instances) by pressing the ALT + TAB buttons to get back to your desktop and load the game again via the install directory’s BorderlandsPreSequel. Go to grinder, stick in three guns, moonstone grind for cheap (2-4 stones per grind). Shields might be even easier to farm legendaries of using the Powersuit Noob. 3DD1. Posted October 19, 2014. You can probably kill one boss later on and get 40 moonstone. Last Update: 26 Apr 2019. Skip to content. When I try to grind it doesn't give the option of moonstone grinding. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Collections . I'm trying to grind 2 torrents and a purple railgun, but there is no moonstone grind option I have tried restarting the game and changing network…Three purples specifically had the Moonstone Grind feature removed, I guess for the easy legendaries from the golden key chest. Up one rarity level (specific type): 2 weapons of the desired type + 1 other weapon. xDThe PERFECT weapon for my Jack, and a truly crazy grind to risk! #ShortsIn this video, I go over how to easily farm for Moonstone, Luneshine Weapons and a special Legendary weapon in Crisis Scar in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. but the best chests in the game cost you a taxing 40 moonstone to open even. The moonstone grind for purples only works with class mods; it worked for a short lapse of time with weapons, shields, grenades and oz kits but it caused a whole lot of bugs and crashes. The grinder can be found in Concordia, the main hub of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (think Sanctuary in Borderlands 2). This mod will set all Moonstone Grind cost to 0. It is important to note that without a moonstone upgrade, any recipe above (including grinding Legendaries) has a chance to produce a weapon/item of the same rarity of the inputs. Games. 6 . The smaller. Log in to add games to your lists. #6. I was hoping to try and get a different legendary, maybe even a luneshine legendary, but the option to moonstone grind wasn't even showing up. Am I missing something? Am I the only one with this problem? And if so,. I've noticed that, for me, if the grinder gives you the option to use Moonstones, It'll then "probably" grind you a legendary for three purples. Because of this, I have not tried grinding the legionaries as it seems. Do 2 legendary + 1 purple with Moonstones in the grinder for weapons. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games. Grind 3 and the grinder will give you a random one. It's a purple claptrap mod, . I tried once to grind 3 purple Oz kits (if i remember correctly) and the. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. There are white chests that require 40 moonstones to open and no prompt. I've been browsing tutorials on how to get legandary gear and all of them tell me to use moon stones however i dont have that as a option . two legendary weapons + one purple type you want to convert into a legendary and then use moonstones to guarantee the result. It probably takes around ~15 grinds for a legendary, so pretty much every load if you're doing the max amount of shields (13 grinds from 27 shields). ). ago. The first that shown in this video is more time efficient and include 4 regular chests, 1 moon chest (you need 40 moonstones to open it), Red Belly boss drop, 3 vending machines. xDFollow Me Facebook - The Pre-Sequel! contains a number of legendary weapons and items that can be obtained by the means of searching, creating, buying, upgrading, and glitching the game. 0 coins. Grinder is busted for purples. Make sure to do a moonstone grind, not a regular grind. Also, grindinglegendary weapons with moonstones produces crap weapons aswell. Grinder in depth guide Borderlands the pre sequel. ReplyBorderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. it's intended, don't ask me why. There is a tiny chance a purple is spit out if you do not moonstone grind. So probably don't want to use low level stuff mixed with high level stuff. It may grind another purple, but if you had duped multiple Legendaries you can just keep dumping the purples back into the grinder. That's strange from my grinds if you moonstone grind its about 50/50 getting a luneshine effecti have grind more than 60 purple guns and never ever get an orange gun See, that's the thing about chance, each time you try the chance-O-meter is reset, you have the same exact chance each time. You can get a legendary Oz kit by grinding purples, but you can't input 3 legendary Oz kits and grind those. You need two legendary weapons and a purple weapon for the achievement.